06 May Does furniture size really matter?

Is there such thing as too big? Yes!! There are theoretical rules as to why some things just work and some don’t in a room, and it’s not necessarily always to do with the pieces themselves… It’s all about proportion. I see placing pieces in a room like a game of tetris… Moving, turning, sliding… It’s all about fitting together. Let’s take a loungeroom. A gigantic, amazing and wonderful L-shape lounge might be a great idea in the shop (I’ve been shopping with guys on a couple of occasions and left teeth marks in my tongue keeping my mouth shut!! ????), but once home, it can leave next to no space.
When walking around your loungeroom (or most rooms really) ideally, you should have a comfy space of approx 1 metre (at least) between big pieces ie between the lounge and coffee table, coffee table to tv unit etc. Smaller things like side tables to lounge, that will be less, but you need space to comfortably walk around the area. Otherwise, after a while it will begin to genuinely feel small. I say ideally because sometimes it’s not always possible with one off pieces, but overall, it doesn’t work having the majority of things too big or too small in any space. Next time you want to fill a space with something, or replace that couch, as well as the look, do think carefully about the size to help ensure you’re creating a space that works and feels good to be in. Size does matter!